Pooja Patankar

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10 offbeat things to do in Jaisalmer

10 offbeat things to do in Jaisalmer

The west most city in Rajasthan is popular for it’s desert and rugged landscapes. Because of the unique landscapes, there are experiences which are distinctive just to Jaisalmer. We were lucky to experience some of these. We missed a few because of our toddler but on the bright side, we have something to come back to in future. I have curated a list of offbeat experiences that may help you plan a trip to Jaisalmer and make the most of your travel.



1. Stay at Suryagarh

I am not bragging but when we spoke to the locals in Jaisalmer and when they got to know that we were staying at Suryagarh they had only one thing to say, “Sir, woh yaha ka No. 1 hotel hai.” (Sir, It is the best hotel in Jaisalmer). Of course we knew it. We had done some research before booking the hotel, read the reviews, checked their Instagram handle and their website. It was perfect in every way. Although a bit expensive, Suryagarh, Jaisalmer is an experience. The location, the hospitality, the food and the entire premise - it will definitely transport you back to the medieval era. Suryagarh has my heart and gets a spot in my Top 5 hotels to stay in India. Although I have added a few pics, you have to live it to believe it.

Suryagarh Jaisalmer

Suryagarh, Jaisalmer

Suryagarh Jaisalmer

2. Glamping in the Thar Desert

For all those new to this term, it is camping with full on luxury. AC tents, comfortable double bed, a decent toilet and shower cabin in your tent and access to all the basic amenities. People glamp in the mountains, but glamping in the middle of the desert will hit you differently. We had one such opportunity and we got lucky with our bookings. We again chose one of the best ones in Jaisalmer - The Bordi, Jaisalmer. While we were researching, we spoke to a few local guides whom we knew earlier and all of them warned us that desert safari and desert stays are a bit of scam in Jaisalmer. So try and book only the good ones, NOT the cheap ones. When we googled desert camps in Jaisalmer, hundreds of them were listed and we were confused about which ones would be good. Because although all of them had some amazing pictures and websites, very few had good reviews about them. You may call it luck, but I was browsing through a travel magazine when I came across The Bordi, Jaisalmer. I immediately opened my laptop and started browsing through their website and instagram handle. It looked gorgeous and exquisite. I even looked up at the reviews and all of them were gaga about what a wonderful experience they had. I immediately called them up and booked us a tent. Obviously, this was just a reservation. I did not have to pay anything until 30 days before the stay. So it was a win-win. In the meantime although I kept looking for better places, I found none and in the end I am grateful I read about them and booked them. There is another property in Jaisalmer called The Serai, but it is an ultra luxurious property and we did not have the budget for it. TMI: When we were in Jaisalmer, Saif Ali Khan’s family was staying at The Serai celebrating Sharmila’s birthday :)

Luxury Tents at The Bordi

3. Stay with the Royals of Jaisalmer

When I booked The Bordi, the receptionist mentioned that The Bordi camp belongs to the royal descendant and he also has a haveli in the heart of Jaisalmer where we can stay with them. The whole package and experience sounded exciting and absolutely new. I looked up the internet and that is when I realized that there are quite a few havelis in Jaisalmer that belong to the king’s descendants and have been converted into hotels. I recommend 2 such properties, Nachana Haveli and Welcom Heritage Mandir Palace. We were staying at the Nachana Haveli which is at least 300 years old. The current king of the Jaisalmer lives in the Mandir Palace. Nachana Haveli is run by two brothers, Vikram and Shakti Singh and their families. The best thing about the stay was that you can interact with them and share the roof with them. They are as human as they can get but when you see them they definitely stand out as royals. Their way of talking, the way they present themselves, their stories and just about everything. In the evening, we had the pleasure of meeting their mother on the terrace. She was offering her evening prayers and later was having her early dinner in the restaurant.

Nachana Haveli

4. Sunset over the sand dunes

I thought watching sunset over the ocean is the best way to enjoy the sunset, but wait till you experience it in the desert. Clear skies, clear horizon, picture perfect landscape and you. On lucky days, you may also see the sun go down all the way from the horizon (as we see in children’s drawings). One thing you may notice is, as soon as the sun goes down you will start experiencing the chill in the air. The winds will be cooler, the desert sand all of the sudden a bit cooler and the whole look of the desert will switch - from warm yellow tones to a cool one.

Sunset over the dunes

5. Camel Ride

Camel is also known as the ship of the desert. I think no other animal walks as gracefully as camel in the desert. Also, to be honest, I have had camel rides before, but it was a first time in the desert and it was a bit scary. Especially when the camel sits and stands. The trick is to move with the camel and follow it’s movements to experience a smooth ride. With our toddler strapped to me, I was a bit all over the place adjusting my center of gravity so that I can balance, but not the most easiest task. Nevertheless, even though I struggled on that camel for 20 minutes, my daughter was absolutely joyous. Worth all the bumps I felt on that ride.

Camel Ride

6. Dune Bashing

When we think of dune bashing it is always Dubai that comes to mind. But dune bashing at Jaisalmer is not half bad. I would not compare it with the ones in Dubai but it has its own fun. Although we were not able to experience it because of our toddler (kids upto a certain age are not allowed), heard some good reviews about it from our hotel neighbours.

Jaisalmer Sand Dunes

7. Star Gazing

Definitely high up on my list of to dos in Jaisalmer. Experiencing the night sky in absolutely no light polluted area, the beauty of the night sky will amaze you. That is when you start asking questions like, is it possible that you are alone in such a big wide universe? You realize the possibility of maybe there are other beings out there. We were at The Bordi, Jaisalmer for a night to experience the Geminids Showers and although it was cold and windy, I sat outside our tent for at least an hour observing the night sky. I have always had some thing for the night sky. I understand little about constellations and stars, but I thoroughly enjoy looking at them. When we were young, I used to look forward to going to my Nani’s house because it meant sleeping on the terrace at night. I would spend hours looking at the sky, looking at the airplanes fly by and also waiting for some random shooting star so that I could make a wish. Those were the days. But in the recent times, Jaisalmer is one place where I have absolutely enjoyed star gazing.

Star Trails at Suryagarh

Night Sky at The Bordi

8. Visiting the shooting range of the royal descendant

One of the brothers at the haveli where we were staying, also owns a shooting range and outsiders are allowed to visit it and also try their shooting skills for a fee (with real guns). We couldn’t go because of our toddler and because of the limited time we had at hand. But if you are looking for an offbeat adventure you can definitely try it out.

9. Sound and Light show at Gadisar Lake

The best way to unwind the day and to know Jaisalmer’s history at the same time. Everyday between 6 PM to 7 PM (winter timings) at Gadisar lake, the authorities organize a sound and light show. You can either sit on the steps of the lake or you can hire a boat and watch the show from the lake itself. The show talks about the founder of Jaisalmer, the wars that Jaisalmer has been a part of and the recent times of Jaisalmer. It also talks about the strategic importance of various historical sites like Gadisar lake, Jaisalmer fort, etc.

Sound and Light Show

10. Gorging on the local berries

Probably the only place in Rajasthan we saw and ate a lot of ker-sangri pickles and vegetables. ‘Ker’ are the local desert berries and ‘Sangri’ are the desert beans that are very popular in the desert regions of Rajasthan and Gujarat. I feel eating the local food, prepared using the local spices and recipes is the best way to enjoy the place and to connect with the locals. Ker pickle can be one of the best souvenir you can bring back for aachar lovers.

Ker Sangri Vegetable

Let me know if you have done something offbeat in Jaisalmer in the comment section below.

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